Karen Shepherd

Ms. Vetra Wright, attendance

Ms. Vera Wright is responsible for collecting and coding attendance for the school. She also can correct factual errors in the attendance record that are supported by data. Wright is responsible for overseeing check in and check out of students for medical appointments. Ms. Wright documents all excused absences. All excused absences must be reported by the parent or guardian by noon each day.

Parents can use this absence reporting form for that (click here.)

Email: Vetra.Wright@lrsrd.org Phone: 447-2311


How does that Truancy thing work?

Along with other duties, Ms. Wright must report students who are absent by law. In cases where the truancy reaches the court system, Wright will submit the documents of attendance and may be asked to testify. Here is what parents can do to avoid a court hearing:

Parents must call in each day by noon.
All absences are recorded within 24 hours of the call in.
Parents will receive a phone call from attendance after your child has missed two days of school.
Parents can leave a message on the attendance line OR can use this form to report an absence (click here) Truancy Letters are sent out at three days absent, six days absent, and at 12 days absent. Also at 12 days absent, a truancy letter will be sent to the parents and to the court system.